
The basic concern of social studies is man and his ever complex and dynamic nature especially his multidimensional relationships with his immediate environment, the world around him and beyond. It is in this context that social studies education tries to investigate and explain those fundamental aspects of man’s nature which particularly tend to challenge, change or influence him.
It is therefore, the philosophy if social studies education programme is to social studies; who would take the lead in building individuals that will be versed with the principles and tenets of teaching social studies in upper basic schools and as transmit same knowledge to others in the society as professionals.
In addition to the general philosophy of Nigerian education as contained in the national policy on education; the purpose of this program are as follows:
- Produce highly motivated, conscious and efficient teachers of social studies education for all levels of our education system.
- Encourage the spirit of enquiry and creativity in teachers.
- Help teachers to be into the social life of the community, society at large and enhance their commitment to national objectives
- Provides department of social studies, teachers with the intellectual and professional background adequate for their situation not only in the life of their country but to the wider world.
- Produce social studies teachers with high commitment to the teaching profession.
The objectives of the Social Studies proper include the following:
- To produce graduate teachers of arts and social science courses who are capable of contributing meaningfully to the production of teachers of those courses for basic education in Nigeria.
- To produce professionally and academically competent Bachelor of Science in education social studies teachers for secondary and tertiary schools.
- To help students acquire the basic knowledge and values needed to enhance the quality of their lives and the life of the nation.
- To help students acquire the spirit of self-reliance, positive image and balance personality.
- To prepare the students for lifelong education.
- Prepare teachers who will inculcate in their pupils/students' rational adjustments to their physical and social environment through acquisition of knowledge values, attitudes and skills necessary for developing social and civic responsibilities.
UME candidates shall minimum of 5 credit passes in the subject area which includes English, Mathematics, Government, Civic Education Economics Geography and any other related social science subjects, while direct entry students should have NCE certificate from any recommend colleges of education in Nigeria as a requisition.
Presently, the department has 19 lecturers that are servicing the courses ranging from 100-400 level students.
Various methodological approaches shall be employed during from lessons. These include; lecture inquires discussion, dramatization, demonstration, recitation, simulation, tutorial and field trip.
Distributions of minimum credit required for graduation are:
Education courses = 30 credits
General studies courses = 18 credits
Teaching practice = 6 credits
Social studies courses = 38 credits
Every student is required to participate in teaching practice and the credit earned recorded in EDU 324.
Every student is required to write a project and the credit earned recorded in EDU 498.
Evaluation and assessment methods
- Continuous assessment (CA) - 30%
- End of semester examination - 70%
A registered student for the degree program must attain a 75% attendance to be allowed to write the end of semester examination.
Four year undergraduate programme for social studies education.
First Semester
Course Code | Course Title | Units |
| General Courses |
GST 111 | Communication in English I | 2 |
GST 121 | Use of Library Study Skills | 2 |
GST 103 | Nigerian peoples and culture | 2 |
| Core Courses |
EDU 101 | Introduction to teaching profession | 2 |
CSC 101 | Introduction to computer science | 2 |
| Specialization |
EAS 131 | Introduction to social studies education and nation building | 2 |
EAS 133 | Introduction to Nigeria social life and cultural environment | 2 |
EAS 135 | Introduction to Nigeria culture | 2 |
EAS 137 | Population Education I | 2 |
LAW 101 | Nigerian Legal System I | 2 |
| Total | 20 |
Second Semester
Course Code | Course Title | Units |
| General Courses |
GST 112 | Introduction to philosophy and logic | 2 |
GST 122 | Communication in English II | 2 |
| Core Courses |
EDU 102 | Sociological Foundation of Education | 2 |
EAS 108 | Foundation of Arts and Social Science Education | 2 |
LAW 102 | Nigerian Legal System II |
| Specialization |
EAS 130 | Element of Social Studies | 2 |
EAS 132 | Family as the base of society | 2 |
EAS 134 | Socio-economic environment of Nigeria | 2 |
EAS 136 | Structural characteristics of man’s place | 2 |
EAS 138 | Population Education II | 2 |
| Total | 20 |
First Semester
Course Code | Course Title | Units |
GST 211 | Environment and Sustainable Development | 2 |
| General Courses |
GST 201 | Entrepreneurship Studies I | 1 |
| Core Courses |
EDU 201 | Introduction to Educational Psychology | 2 |
EDU 203 | Special Method in Arts and Social Science Edu. | 2 |
EDU 221 | Curriculum and Instruction I | 3 |
| Specialization |
EAS 231 | Socio-Economic Environment of Nigeria | 2 |
EAS 233 | Social interaction in Nigeria | 2 |
EAS 235 | Study of Matters in Space | 2 |
EAS 237 | Origin and Nature of Man | 2 |
EAS 239 | Value of Education | 2 |
| Total | 18 |
Second Semester
Course Code | Course Title | Units |
| General Courses |
GST 202 | Entrepreneurship Studies II | 1 |
GST 222 | Peace and Conflict Resolution | 2 |
| Core Courses |
EDU 202 | Element of Special Education | 2 |
EAS 208 | Classroom Management & Organization in ASSE | 2 |
| Specialization |
EAS 230 | Safety Education | 2 |
EAS 232 | Socio-Economic Structure of Nigeria | 2 |
EAS 234 | Socio-Political Institution in Nigeria | 2 |
EAS 236 | Culture and Social Stability | 2 |
EAS 238 | Man and his Environment | 2 |
| Total | 17 |
First Semester
Course Code | Course Title | Units |
| General Courses |
GST 211 | Entrepreneurship Studies I | 1 |
| Core Courses |
EDU 301 | Test & Measurement | 3 |
EDU 305 | Educational Technology | 2 |
EAS 301 | Research Methods in Arts and Social Science Education | 2 |
| Specialization |
EAS 331 | Social Studies Education, Theories of Nation Building | 2 |
EAS 333 | Politics Power and Government | 2 |
EAS 335 | Study of Even in Places in Nigeria | 2 |
EAS 337 | Socialization in School and Society | 2 |
EAS 339 | Nigeria Cultural Patterns and Historical Origin | 2 |
| Total | 16 |
Second Semester
Course Code | Course Title | Units |
| General Courses |
GST 302 | Entrepreneurship Skills II | 1 |
| Core Courses |
EDU 300 | Teaching Practice I | 3 |
EDU 302 | ICT in Education | 2 |
EDU 304 | Basis of Curriculum Development and Instruction | 2 |
EDU 306 | Research Method and Statistics | 2 |
| Specialization |
EAS 330 | Teaching Social Studies at JSS Level | 2 |
EAS 332 | Nationalism and Patriotism in Nigeria | 2 |
EAS 334 | Social Problems in Nigeria | 2 |
EAS 336 | Finance and Financial Institution | 2 |
EAS 338 | Community Life Education and Development | 2 |
EAS 308 | Inspection and Supervisor in Arts & Social Science Education | 2 |
| Total | 22 |
First Semester
Course Code | Course Title | Units |
| Core Courses |
EDU 401 | Curriculum & Instruction | 2 |
EDU 405 | Educational Management | 2 |
| Specialization |
EAS 431 | International and multidimensional Interactions | 2 |
EAS 433 | Socio-Economic Activities in Nigeria | 2 |
EAS 435 | Contemporary Issues in Social Studies | 2 |
EAS 437 | Social Life and Party Politics in Nigeria | 2 |
EAS 439 | Seminar in Social Studies | 2 |
| Total | 14 |
Second Semester
Course Code | Course Title | Units |
| Core Courses |
EDU 402 | Guidance and Counseling | 2 |
EDU 400 | Teaching Practice II | 2 |
EDU 404 | Research Project | 2 |
| Specialization |
EAS 430 | Study of Ideas in Space | 2 |
EAS 432 | Nigeria Culture Environment Value, Science and Technology | 2 |
EAS 436 | Social Studies Education problems and Prospects on Nation Building | 2 |
EAS 438 | Curriculum Planning Development and Evaluation in Social Studies | 2 |
| Total | 17 |