
- Philosophy
The philosophy of NCE Agricultural Education programme is tied with the national philosophy on Agriculture for self-reliance base on the provision of teachers endowed with a balanced approach between principles and practice of Agriculture for academic and vocational ends.
- Objectives
Objectives of the programme shall be to;
- Prepare graduates with the right attitude to, and knowledge/professional competence in vocational agriculture;
- Produce teachers who will be capable of motivating students to acquire interest in and aptitude for agriculture;
- Develop in the students-teachers the appropriate communication skills for effective transmission of agricultural information, knowledge and skills to the students in the context of their environment;
- Equip the student-teachers with adequate knowledge and ability to establish and manage a model school farm effectively; and
- Provide a sound background to enhance further academic and professional progression of the student-teachers.
- Admission Requirements
- General Admission Requirements
Students seeking for admission into NCE Agricultural Education Programme should possess any of the following qualifications:
a ] Senior Secondary School Certificate [SSC] or GCE ‘O’ Level/NECO/NABTEB with credits in 5 subjects including English Language and Mathematics, at not more than two sittings.
b ] A Grade 11 Teachers’ certificate {TC11} with Credit/Merit in five subjects including English language and mathematics. Credit or merit in five subjects including English language and Mathematics. Credit/Merit in Agricultural Science, and General Science or Integrated Science are required.
c] Associate ship Certificate in Education awarded by an approved institution in Nigeria or abroad, is also acceptable as qualification.
11. Additional Admission Requirements
a ] in addition to the General Admission Requirements, candidates seeking admission into NCE [Agricultural Education] programme with SSC/NECO/NABTEB result must have credits in Biology or Agricultural Science and Chemistry and any one of the following subjects; physics, Geography and Economics.
Candidates withTC11 certificate must have credit or merit in General Science and Agricultural science.
b ] all candidate wishing to be considered for admission must satisfy JAMB requirements.
c ] In addition to the entire conditions stipulated above, candidate seeking must pass selection interview.
- Facilities
[i] Classroom [Space and Equipment]
Any institution offering NCE Agricutural Education Programme should provide adequate classrooms in addition to the following relevant facilities:
[ii] Laboratory
Two [2] standard laboratories should be adequately equipped [one for crops and soils, and other for livestock studies]
[iii] School Farm
Standard school farm complex shall be made up of the following:
-Mechanical/Tools Workshop
- Livestock Unit of selected farm animals
- Fish pound
- Individual student plots
- Experimental plot for research
- Crop farm
- Facilities for Beekeeping, Snailery, or Cane Rat farming.
[iv] Staff Office
Each senior staff should have a comfortably furnished office. There should also be an office for support staff [Typist, Clerks etc.] with relevant equipment e.g., computer and printer, reproduction machines etc.
[v] Books in the Library
There must be enough books to cover all the areas of the subjects to the ratio of ten [10] book titles to one student. Current journals in agricultural education and other relevant fields are also required in the same ratio.
[vi] Other Facilities:
a] A tractor with the necessary coupling implements, e.g plough[plow], horrow, ridger, spreader, etc.
b ] Haulage vehicle for transportation
[vii] List of required Equipment, Tools and Materials
a ] Audio Visual Room
Items Quantity
- Interactive board 2
- Video recorder 2
- Video player 2
- Slide projector. 2
- Overhead projector 2
- Film projector 2
- Magnetics board 2
- Public address system 2
- Color Television Set 2
- Cameras 5
- Voltage stabilizer 2
- Printing machine 1
b ] Drawing Room
- Drawing boards and tables 30
- Drafting sets 10
- T-Square 10
- Set Square 10
- Protractors 10
- Lettering set 10
C] Crop Farm
1. School farm made up of:
- Arable farm containing tubers, cereals, legumes and fibers on at least 1 hectare of land;
- Horticultural garden containing nursery, ornamentals, fruits, root and leafy vegetable crops.
- Orchard containing assorted fruit trees;
- Permanent crops plantation;
- Processing facilities for tubers, grains, fruits and vegetables. Storages facilities for tubers, cereals, grains, fruits, etc.
c] Animal Unit [poultry, minimum of 500 in number and Ruminants in 20]
Nursery Tools Numbers
- Water pumping machine 5
- Seeds Sowers 5
- Root pruners 5
- Plant lifters 5
- Sprayers 5
- Flame weedier and hedgers 5
- Water pump 5
- Rotary planters 5
- Generator 1
- Secateurs 12
- Planting hoes 20
- Spade 20
- Pick axe 10
- Hand trowel 20
- Wheelbarrows 5
- Watering cans 10
- Head pans 10
- Machetes/cutlass 20
- Greenhouse 1
- Water spraying machine 1
- Water sprayers/sprinklers 20
- Motorized sprayers/sprinklers 1
- Motorized chain saw 1
- Shears 10
- Rolcut 10
- Swing fog 2
Meteorological tools and equipment [could be shared with Arts and Social Sciences if not available in the Department]
- Stevenson’s screen 1
- Thermo hydrographs 1
- Max. and Min. thermometers 2
- Rain gauge 2
- Measuring glasses 4
- Wind vane 2
- Anemometer 2
- Evaporimeter 2
- Hygrometers 2
- Barometers 2
Ii] Survey Equipment
- Prismatic compass 4
- Ranging poles 8
- Chain [Gunter’s & Surveyors ] 2
- Metric tape 2
- Plain meter 1
- Theodolite and staff 1
- Scale rules 10
- Set of arrows 30
- Field book 5
- Levels 4
- Pantograph 10
- Stereoscope 4
Ii] Farm Machinery
- Functional tractor 1
- Disc plough 1
- Disc harrow 1
- Disc ridger 1
- 4-wheeled trailer 1
- Fertilizer spreader 1
- Mould board ridger 1
- Mould board plough 1
- Tractor pulley 1
- Seed drill 2
- Tractor mounted sprayer 1
- Seed cleaner 2
- Seed grader 2
- Cereal thresher 1
- Tractor scraps exhibiting tractor parts 2
- Complete tool boxes 1
- Incubator and Hatcher 1
- Egg handler 1
- De-beaker 1
- Vaccinator 4
- Manual maize planter 2
- Powered/manual maize sheller 1
- Head oil press 1
- Moisture extraction unit [oven] 2
- Grain drier 2
- Weighing scares 2
- Inter-row weeders 1
- Manure spreader 1
- Slashers 1
- Mowers 1
- Storage Facilities Various modifications
- Silos ‘’
- Traditional barns ‘’
- Rhombus 1
- Cold room/Deep freezer 2
- Refrigerators
j] Fishery Equipment
- Hook 30
- Line 30
- Sinker 30
- Scoop nets 10
- Cast nets 10
- Float lead 10
- Gill nets 10
- Fishing boat 2
K] Food processing Equipment
1. Garri making machine 1
2. Cassava pelleting machine 1
3. Milling machine 1
4. Maize Sheller 1
5. Oil screw press 1
6. Feed mill 1
7. Rice huller 1
1.] Animal Equipment
1. Honey extractor 4
2. Post mortem kit 4
3. Surgical kit 4
4. Cattle hoof trimming set 4
5. Castrators 5
6. Sterilizers 5
7. Salt lick 2
8. Identification tags 10
9. Tattooing set 2
10. Candler 4
11. Hanging scale 4
12. Chick’s trays 10
13. Canopy brooder 5
14. Kerosene stove 5
15. Brooding thermometers 5
16. Livestock skeletons 10
17. Essential Water supply (e.g. ponds, dam, well, reservoir) 2
18. Beekeeping Equipment:
a. Hives 5
b. Smokers 5
c. Hive Tools 5
d. Bee Brush 5
e. Honey Extractor 2
f. Uncapping Knife 5
g. Bee Suit 5
h. Boots 5
I. Hats (with Veils) 5
j. Hand Gloves 5
- Personnel
- Academic
A minimum of one (1) academic staff per discipline within the programme, making sure that the staff-students ratio of one to twenty-five is maintained. Minimum qualification for any Lecturer shall be Master’s Degree. However, first Degree not below 2nd Class Lower can be employed into training positions. In all cases, all teachers/lecturers should possess a teaching qualification not lower than NCE.
(II) Support Staff
The following combination of support staff should be employed:
- Technologist- to cover crop/soil laboratory, animal science laboratory and the school farm.
- Technicians-one each to cover workshop, laboratories, livestock and research farm
4-Artisanas e.g . Computer
8-farm hands including a maximum of 2 messengers.
iii) Appointment of External Examiners
The appointment of at least two external examiners not below the rank of Principal Lecturer for the purpose of moderating examination questions and answer scripts is necessary for proper implementation of the programme.
Mode of teaching
The mode of teaching Agricultural Education courses should be by demonstration, lectures, tutorials, field trips, excursions, practicum, laboratory work, information and communication technology and practical as deemed appropriate for each course. Irrespective of the method used, emphasis should be on student-centered learning approaches and techniques.
- Mode of Assessment
Mode of assessment in agricultural education will be 40 per cent examination and 60 percent continues assessment.
- Graduation Requirements
Minimum credits required for graduation: Credits
General Education 24
General Studies Education 16
Teaching Practice 6
Technical and Professional Agricultural Components 48
Total 94
- Teaching Practice
Every student is required to participate in Teaching Practice and the credit earned recorded in Education (EDU 311).
Course code | Course Title | Contact Hours L-T-P | Credits |
VTEB 110 | Introduction to Vocational & Technical Education | 1-0-0 | 1C |
AGE 111 | Introduction to Agriculture | 1-0-3 | 1C |
AGE 112 | Agricultural Biology | 2-0-3 | 1C |
AGE 113 | Agricultural Mathematics | 1-1-0 | 1C |
AGE 114 | Agricultural Physic | 1-0-3 | 1C |
AGE 115 | Introduction to Agro-Climatology | 1-0-3 | 1C |
AGE 116 | Agricultural Chemistry | 1-0-3 | 1C |
AGE 117 | Practical Agriculture 1 | 0-0-3 | 1C |
| 8 |
AGE 121 | Principles and practice of crop production | 1-0-3 | 2C |
AGE 122 | Introduction to Animal Science and Nutrition | 2-0-3 | 2C |
AGE 123 | Introduction to Extension and Youth Organization in Agriculture | 2-0-3 | 2C |
AGE 124 | Principal of Agricultural Economics | 1-0-3 | 1C |
AGE 125 | Curriculum Development and Agricultural Methods | 2-0-3 | 2C |
AGE126 | Introduction to Soil Science | 2-0-3 | 2C |
| Total |
| 11 |
Course code | Course Title | Contact Hours L-T-P | CREDITS |
AGE 211 | Tree Crop Production | 1-0-0 | 2C |
AGE 212 | Poultry Production | 1-0-3 | 1C |
AGE213 | Introduction to Geneti | 1-1-3 | 1C |
AGE 214 | Agricultural Development Policy and Finance | 2-0-0 | 2C |
AGE 215 | Farm Power and Machinery | 1-0-3 | 1C |
AGE 216 | Fish Production | 2-0-3 | 1C |
AGE 217 | Entrepreneurship in Agriculture | 1-0-3 | 2C |
Course Code | Course Title | Contact Hour L-T-P | Credits |
AGE 221 | Research Method in Agricultural Education | 1-0-0 | 1C |
AGE 222 | Land Survey and Farmstead Planning | 1-0-3 | 1C |
AGE223 | Principles of Crop Protection | 1-0-3 | 1C |
AGE 224 | Crop Improvement | 1-0-3 | 1C |
AGE 225 | Livestock Production 1 (Ruminants) | 1-0-3 | 2C |
AGE 226 | Principles of Farm Management | 1-03 | 1C |
AGE 227 | Practical Agriculture 11 and Field Trip | 0-0-3 | 1C |
AGE 228 | SIWES | 2-0-4 | 2C |
| Total |
| 10 |
EDU 311 Teaching practice 6C
Course Code | Course Title | Contact Hours L-T-P | Credit |
AGE 321 | Environmental Education in Agriculture | 2-0-3 | 1C |
AGE 322 | Animal Health | 1-0-3 | 1C |
AGE 323 | Livestock Production 11 (Non-Ruminants) | 2-0-3 | 2C |
AGE 324 | Animal Breeding | 1-0-3 | 1C |
AGE 325 | Horticulture | 2-0-3 | 2C |
AGE 326 | Agricultural Marketing and Cooperatives | 1-1-0 | 1C |
AGE 327 | Beekeeping/Snail/Cane Rat Farming | 1-0-3 | 1C |
| Total |
| 9 |
Year One First Semester
Course Code | Course Title | Credit | Status |
GSE 011 | Media and Information Literacy 1 | 1 | Compulsory |
GSE 111 | General English 1 | 1 | Compulsory |
GSE 112 | Introduction to Library Studies | 2 | Compulsory |
Total |
Year Two
Second Semester
Course Code | Course Title | Credit | Status |
GSE 012 | Media and Information Literacy 11 | - | Compulsory |
GSE 121 | General English 11 | 1 | Compulsory |
GSE 123 | Introduction to Computer Studies 1 | 1 | Compulsory |
GSE 124 | Family Life & Emerging Health Issues | 1 | Compulsory |
| Total | 3 |
Year Two
First Semester
Course Code | Course Title | Credit | Status |
GSE 021 | Media and Information Literacy 111 | - | Compulsory |
GSE 211 | General English 111 | 1 | Compulsory |
GSE 213 | Introduction to Computer Studies | 1 | Compulsory |
GSE 214 | Trafficking in Persons Issues | 1 | Compulsory |
| Total | 3 |
Year Two
Second Semester
Course Code | Course Title | Credit | Status |
GSE 022 | Media Information Literacy | 2 | Compulsory |
GSE 221 | General English iv | 1 |
GSE 223 | Citizenship Education | 1 |
GSE 224 | Entrepreneurship | 1 |
GSE 321 | General English v | 1 |
| Total | 6 |